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Urban Planning and Spatial Planning Office

- Monitor the execution and ensure strict compliance with the regulations and management procedures of the Urban Plans and Spatial Planning in force in the Municipality of Sal;
- Advise the adoption of corrective and updating measures that prove to be indispensable for the proper execution of Urban Plans with hierarchy equivalent to urban development plans and detailed plans, however, under no circumstances, can exercise the powers of review that are the responsibility of the College the City Council;
- Promote the Elaboration, Alteration and Revision of Municipal Plans for Spatial Planning, through the competent decision of the Local Authorities;
- Monitor the processes for the preparation of urban planning instruments awarded to external entities and issue a technical opinion on them, whenever deemed necessary or at the request of the Mayor or Councilman with delegated competence;
- Prepare and / or coordinate Urban Design studies, namely projects for recovery, enhancement and landscape framing, studies related to urban subdivision operations and studies of hierarchy and road circulation, under higher guidance;
- Collaborate in the elaboration of municipal attitudes and urbanization and building regulations;
- Preparation of technical opinions and information to support urban management, either on its own initiative or upon higher request;
- Analyze and issue an opinion on requests for the occupation of municipal public space;
- Ensure compliance with the deadlines related to requests from individuals;
- Participate in the inspections necessary to grant a license or authorization to use buildings or their fractions;
- Provide clarifications and disclose to citizens the rules and regulations in force in terms of urbanization and building;
- Ensure compliance with legal procedures related to the disposal of urban land for housing and collaborate in the registration and matrix registration processes;
- Maintain close articulation with the Municipal Services in charge of the administrative and financial management of the processes of divesting lots for housing construction;
- Ensure the assistance and technical clarification to the citizens regarding urban operations;

In the field of Geographic Information Systems and Topography:

- Plan, implement, manage and keep the Municipality's geographic information system up to date;
- Coordinate, plan and develop activities related to municipal geographic information in an integrated manner;
- Promote the execution and updating of the cartography and the registration of the municipal territory, collaborating with the competent State Services;
- Carry out topographic surveys and ensure adequate assistance for the implementation of subdivisions, streets and others that require specialized surveying work;
- Collaborate with the Department of Contributions, Taxes and Municipal Inspection Service in the survey and organization of properties in the public and private municipal domain;
- Support the activities of the other organic units of the City Council in terms of geographic information and topography.

The Division of Urbanism and Spatial Planning is also responsible for:

- Collaborate technically in the assessment of the processes related to the management of the ZDTI and the Protected Areas, according to superior guidelines;
- Provide technical assistance to the Urban Planning, Municipal Works and Environment Service of the City of Santa Maria, upon superior request;
- Distribute tasks to the technical and administrative staff placed in the Division of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning and ensure their productivity and effectiveness.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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