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Office of Social Action


- Promote, in partnership with other competent institutions, the improvement of hygiene and public health conditions, ensuring the definition and compliance with legal and universally accepted norms and procedures in the matter, namely in what concerns, the production and commercialization of food, creation and movement of animals, cleaning of public spaces, evacuation of waste and discipline of burials;
- Organize and proceed with the health inspection routine in public spaces and other spaces whenever necessary and within the competences of the City Council;
- Articulate with the Directorate of Environment and Sanitation Services, the hygienic-sanitary inspection of butchers and slaughterhouses in conjunction with the veterinary services;
- Participate actively in carrying out measures leading to the prevention and fight against diseases and epidemics in close collaboration with the health and veterinary services;
- Carry out measures to control the breeding and movement of animals in the city in defense of hygiene and public health rules;
- To articulate with our services responsible for the urban management and qualification in the construction of the park of public toilets and urinals in the municipal territory and to proceed with its management;
- Promote actions that facilitate the construction of bathrooms, access for families in need to piped water, to the sewage network and to the septic tank in conjunction with the services responsible for urban requalification;
- Organize the documentation and the municipal statistical data concerning the inspection and inspection activity, as well as the management of the cemetery and the funeral activity;
- Issue technical opinions and perform other tasks that are determined in the field of hygiene and public health;
- Implement municipal policies on social inclusion, in partnership with public and private bodies and civil society organizations, involved in this area;
- Carry out and update the study and diagnosis on the social situation of the Municipality;
- Carry out social surveys in order to ensure a balance in allocating support to the most disadvantaged strata;
- Execute, monitor and evaluate the municipal policy for the areas of childhood and adolescence, old age and disability;
- Ensure the management of the Kindergarten of the City Council;
- Promote, in conjunction with other bodies and organizations, actions to support the prevention and reintegration of drug addicts;
- Support the development of programs and measures that encourage the participation and integration of the immigrant population;
- Develop awareness actions aiming at the creation of a network of volunteers for intervention in the social area;
- Support Community Associations and NGOs;
- Issue technical opinions and perform other tasks that are determined in the area of ​​social action.
- Collaborate with the Municipality's Financial, Tax and Property Management Department in carrying out and updating the survey of existing municipal social facilities;
- Encourage and support the development of activities aimed at vulnerable groups in Ilha do Sal;
- Appreciate and issue an opinion on requests for support to the vulnerable population;
- Propose the construction and guarantee the equipment, maintenance and management of social infrastructures;
- Collaborate with own institutions in the insertion of the disabled in the social and economic life of the Municipality, as well as the integration of the elderly in the community;
- Monitor and support the activity of the bodies of the national health system in the municipal territory;
- Study forms of partnership with social solidarity organizations, public and private institutions, with a view to improving the living conditions of the most disadvantaged population;

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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